Friday, January 4, 2008

Origins: The Shower

this is going to be the first of many post of this kind. for now i'm going to call it origins for lack of a more creative title. the purpose of which is to look at the things that i deem the most incredible inventions ever and find out it's origin and inventor. today, one of my favorites...the shower.

The idea of showers were, of course, concocted by the ancient Indian, Egyptian, and Mesopotamians. But those were wack. They basically consisted of the showerer pouring the water on themselves, or, even better, having someone pour it on them while standing behind a wall. But the first real showers, plumbing and all, were invented my non other than the Greeks.

According to in this scene, depicted on an Athenian vase of the fourth century B.C, "two shower rooms are shown, occupied by four rather muscular young ladies. Piped-in water sprays down on the bathers through showerheads shaped like the faces of boars and lions. Near the top is a rack or pole over which the girls have draped their garments and towels. The whole scene is amazingly contemporary: apart from the animal showerheads, it would not be out of place in a modern gym". I don't know about you, but I'd consider myself the coolest mofo on the block if I had Lionheads for shower heads. But that's just me.

so there you have it. the ancient greeks were genius's weren't they? I certainly think so. just think, if it weren't for them we'd have to sit at least 5 minutes for a bath tub to fill up so that we can sit and wash in all the filth we just washed off. disgusting. anyway...i stink, i think i'll go take a shower.

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